European Union invites Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine to Water Management Summit

The European Union (EU) has invited 12 water policy leaders from across the United States to participate in a Water Management Summit. Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine, Board Member of the East Central Florida RPC, is the only Floridian and elected official invited to the summit.

The summit will explore EU policy, EU-US technology and showcase the innovative water management technologies of Member States. The program will offer an opportunity for a mutual exchange of best practices.

“Given the recent challenges we Floridians have experienced with hurricanes, flooding, beach erosion, and water quality, this summit will give me a unique opportunity to study alternatives and possible solutions with other Americans,” said Commissioner Lee Constantine.

The summit, sponsored and funded by the EU, will begin in Brussels with an introduction to EU water policies and technical presentations by Member States. Participants will then depart for site visits in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Finland. The program includes meetings with German, French, and Hungarian delegations, as well as other Member Countries. The summit will focus on a wide range of water management activities, such as water resource management, port management, water reclamation/purification, flood control and coastline protection.
